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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Unfortunately non-profit organizations tend to underestimate the power of social media marketing. Their main focus becomes solely on their website with the hopes that they are going to be able to draw enough traffic to meet their needs. Yet there is a huge potential market that is waiting to hear from them in the social media platforms, where they need to build healthy audiences of Fans, Likes, Viewers & Followers.

The success for non profit organizations is all about getting the word out about what they stand for and what they have by way of goals.

The main priorities of many non profit organizations is to generate contributions and donations and recognition for the cause that they stand for. The social media platforms are perfect for really helping to reach these goals. Social media is all about engagement - and generating donations and contributions only works through the proper engagement with Fans and Followers who are sensitive to the needs of the non profit organization. This becomes the target market that has to be sought after when building the social media campaign.

A mention on Facebook or a Share on Instagram of some action that the non profit organization has carried out has a dramatic impact through engagement. This is something that the social world readily wants to share because it is for a good cause.

Recent studies have shown that more than half of the non profit organizations that have built up significant Likes and Followers on social media platforms have been able to escalate their donations. The goal is to focus on the Facebook shares and likes, and the Twitter tweets, to bring the end result of a contribution or a donation in most cases for the non profit organizations.

These organizations are totally dependent in most circumstances on the willingness of the public to contribute to their costs. It has also been discovered that social media is growing three times faster as leading campaigns for non profit organizations compared to email campaigns.

One of the stumbling blocks that non profit organizations face is that the majority of their staff is there on a volunteer basis, and they are stretched thin when it comes to the obligations that they have taken on for the organization. Most often there is just not enough help to go around to be able to dedicate their time it to the social media marketing campaigns that are necessary to make them successful for the non profits.

Non profit organizations also have the option of being able to take advantage of support services that can help build their Likes much quicker than what they may be able to do – without resorting to just buying them. These are services that are offered by highly-regarded companies including

For individuals that really have found a non-profit organization that they would like to support but are not able to financially, they might want to consider offering their services as a social media marketer. Of course this means that one has to have the knowledge and expertise to do this, but it is not something that cannot be learned. The most common the platform that non profits tend to be drawn to is Facebook, although many do use Twitter as well as LinkedIn and YouTube.
